The Egyptian Museum

Feb 16, 2017 | Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer, Featured Structure

The famous Egyptian Museum which houses priceless Egyptian antiquities features a series of steel reinforced concrete arches which have suffered considerable deterioration through corrosion during the past century since it was opened.

The spans are approximately 17 metres across and they were successfully strengthened using Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer.

The process was to remediate the existing steel reinforcement prior to applying the CFRP to the underside of the arches and to the faces. Anchors were also fixed during the repair process to anchor the flexural strips and to increase the shear strength.

CFRP has rescued this ageing structure which will go on for another century housing some of the greatest treasures of the civilisation.

The Egyptian Government has issued a National Code for the design and application of FRP in construction for both externally bonded and internal reinforcement in concrete structures. As a result the use of CFRP has for repair, strengthening and retrofitting structures throughout Egypt.

Modern technologies are being used to repair some of the world’s older structures and save them in the current form for future generations.

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